Thanks to the kindness of our generous supporters, last year 33,649 people living in extreme poverty were provided with training to lift themselves out of poverty.

Donations given in 2023 made a huge difference to the lives of many people:

  • Providing 23,723 people access to clean water for the first time

  • Training 48 young people in vocational skills and creating employment

  • Equipping rural communities in conservation farming skills – over 7,350 people now have enough food on their table

  • Delivering training in conflict resolution and gender equality

  • Funding projects in beekeeping, agroforestry, creating small enterprises and more!

Financial breakdown

In 2023, we once again spent most of our funds directly on programme delivery in Uganda. Of our total expenditure in the year, 87% was spent on charitable activities. This is due to our ongoing efforts to ensure overheads in the UK remain low to ensure maximum funds can be sent to Uganda.

What’s next?

Much has been achieved, but there is much more to do! Our vision remains: train people today so they will be able to support themselves tomorrow and in the future.

You can find out more in our 2023/2024 Annual Review

Please phone 01271 377664 for more information or contact us here