Great news for 2021!

Our last ‘Covid’ update outlined our plans to keep Kira Farm Development Centre closed throughout 2020 until the government allowed us to open again. We shared how we were supporting sponsored children with scholastics and food parcels as they were home-schooled and how our Sustainable Community Development programme was still functioning, albeit in a limited capacity. 

Stop press!

We’re pleased to announce that Kira Farm Development Centre is now open, sponsored children will be back in school when they re-open in late January, and our Sustainable Community Development groups are back together as a whole and allowed to function in larger numbers. 

Despite Covid still rattling around Uganda (nowhere near the levels we are experiencing in the UK), the Ugandan government has relaxed the lockdown rules, allowing schools, universities, and vocational facilities to open. 

Joshua, Mary, and their team have made-up beds and cleaned the trainees’ accommodation and facilities from head to toe. They have put in place several precautionary measures making sure all trainees and trainers arrived safely, and that everyone stays safe and healthy over the coming months.

Joy and jubilations.

Can you imagine the excitement that everyone felt as Kira Farm burst into action after 10 months of emptiness? We think Henrik Ibsen hit the nail on the head when he said ‘A picture is worth a thousand words.’  

We couldn’t have wished for a more jubilant and enthusiastic bunch of excited young people!

Children all over Uganda are desperate to get back into their classrooms, as these precious young lives treasure an education more than anything. They know only too well the words of Nelson Mandela ‘Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world’.

Over 1,000 rural farmers within our Sustainable Community Development programme will regroup and begin to learn the amazing benefits of practicing conservation farming, the importance of planting trees, and a plethora of simple, innovative ideas that will transform their humble lives.  

Huge appreciation and thanks.

A huge thanks to everyone for your patience throughout 2020. You are all appreciated and valued for the way you support Amigos. We will do our best to keep everyone safe as the world grapples with this tragic pandemic.