Twenty six point two miles is a long way, and don't you dare forget the point two!

Anyone running a marathon will remind you of that. Every mile counts, and every part mile!

This is not my first marathon so I know how it feels, but the distance remains a challenge. It is definitely one of those events you vow never to do again when you finish! But as time passes the pain is forgotten and so are those long lonely miles run in any weather as part of the training schedule. There are those days when more than anything you don't want to go out for a run. It's dark, cold, mangy weather and not at all inviting. For me my long runs generally happen on a Saturday morning, before the family are up. But no question there are times you want to stay in bed, enjoy a relaxed coffee, and forget about going out running for 2-3 hours.

The dreaded 'Wall'

I have also experienced what marathoners call 'the wall' in my first marathon. When it hit I grabbed any means of trying to gain energy, sucking water bottles dry and hoping that somehow the water contained super energy additives! It didn't. The training is what will hopefully prevent me hitting it again!

Despite the challenge, when the opportunity came again to run the London marathon for Amigos Worldwide I was thrilled. What a great motivation to run, and what a way of relativizing whatever challenge I might face in training and running in order to raise funds for people whose personal challenges make mine look like a walk in the park!

Every little helps!

So, any way in which you can support Amigos Worldwide through my efforts would be gratefully received. The link to my giving page is here small or large donations are all welcome.

Maybe you could consider selling some no longer used house items and donating the receipts - I had success with selling a TV I had upgraded.

Maybe if you're in the business world you could see if your company make any charitable donations and ask them to consider Amigos?

Thanks for reading and I will post updates from time to time,
